Crossroads & Questions: Navigating your Mid-Career Journey

Many folks we work with are not sure how to keep the energy going…

Also, if my life has been successful and phenomenal. How can I ensure that in my second adult life?

Are you between 45 and 65? Are you feeling pressed in some way to make a change but not exactly sure what or how? Or are you not quite sure how to have the energy to sustain what you’re doing.Of course, we’ve all heard of a ‘mid-life’ crisis but for many of the people we speak with, it’s more like a mid-life puzzle. It’s our experience that many people are asking important questions about how they want to live and work during this mid and late career period. Often this period of life presents new options. Maybe they are ahead of schedule with their financial plans, maybe their nests are starting to empty or maybe they have grown weary, bored or disillusioned with their current situation. Whatever the case, this period of life is a time when people want to reassess and potentially reorient their life in new ways to gain energy and purpose.

At Reploy, we believe theres a new phase of life composed of people who are neither young…or old, typically in the 45-65 range. With advances in medicine, nutrition and fitness science, we’ve added at least 10-20 high vitality years to our lives. Thanks to automation and digitization, work is providing new options for when and how to work and live. This has resulted in a growing list of possibilities for a ‘second adult life’, a ‘Life 2.0’. A time for you to re-imagine and re-design the next phase of you in a way that integrates ‘what you do’ with ‘who you are’ and aligns with the identity, values and life lessons you’ve accumulated over your life 1.0 journey. We believe inventorying and designing your Life 2.0 is imperative to a successful, fulfilling and energetic future.

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